Raising our first batch. (A kid's journey)

Let me tell you, i'd rather milk 2-3x a day, then be attached to my pump. I pump every 2-3 hours for my toddler (he was a micro preemie born at 24 weeks, he nursed until almost 2, but weaned and stopped gaining weight... ugh. so I had his sister, started pumping and he gained 5lbs in 6 weeks after her birth.) ANYWAYS... milking a freaking goat, would make my life *easier* then how much I'm attached to my pump for him.

I nurse my kids to make my life EASIER - not harder! LOL He's worth it, don't get me wrong, but milking a goat will be WAY less work - none of my kids can drink cows milk with out green runny poo and throwing up... but they've all been able to drink goats milk okay.

We buy it at the store, and its 4-5 dollars a quart, to 8-9 dollars a gallon... at the rate my older kids drink it, it IS actually cheaper, to milk my own goats.
Absolutely! I had similar issues growing up and when my parents were able to take me off the expensive goats milk to go for real food, it was likely the happiest day of their lives! In your situation, yes, milk that goat and be religious about it! From what my wife tells me (I haven't tried it), the pumps are very uncomfortable and downright intrusive. I feel for you!!

Got some eggs in the incubator, crossing fingers we are able to get the temp/humidity to stay where we need it. It's so humid here right now, I've had to add a sock of rice, and an open cup of rice to get it to drop to below 75%, crossing fingers we can get it lower, so this batch of eggs will stay viable.

As to the babies we've been raising... we took them outside today for the first day. Dad will be working on building them their coop this next week, so in about 10 days, we can transition them outside full time. It was VERY hot outside with the 95 degree weather and 80% humidity, so they didn't last very long out there before I had to bring them back in to cool off in front of the AC. (we keep the room they are living in between 80-90)

They were pretty skeptical of the outside at first, until my daughter sat with them in the grass... then they relaxed and started having fun. ;)

When she talks to them, they all look at her so intently, like they understand what she's saying. LOL

One of the things I love the most about my daughter, is she never forgets her "older" pets even when raising new ones. She makes sure she spends time with them too.
Well, our incubator has 5 eggs in it - including one egg from her white freckles that was killed earlier this week.

The babies seemed to REALLY like their new house.

My older chickens came to see them.

they were rolling around in the dirt/grass and there was a tiny fire ant nest inside their coop and they spent *all* afternoon destroying the nest and eating every bug they could find.

I love chickens. Especially the ones who eat every bug they can find.

The coop looks great, I'm sure they're happy inside it. What happened to "white freckles"? Predator or other?

My older hens are always coming over to see my chicks, and now when I let the chicks out they all get along splendidly, other than the occasional peck to let the chicks know that they are still at the bottom of the order. It's amazing how nature works with these birds.
The coop looks great, I'm sure they're happy inside it. What happened to "white freckles"? Predator or other?

My older hens are always coming over to see my chicks, and now when I let the chicks out they all get along splendidly, other than the occasional peck to let the chicks know that they are still at the bottom of the order. It's amazing how nature works with these birds.
White freckles I think got tired of my kids taking her eggs, so she jumped out of the goat area, (where she was safe) to go lay her eggs somewhere else. When she did that, the dogs ripped her apart.... they didn't try to get the chickens when they were in their own area, but on the other side of the fence, it was fair game.

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