Raising our first batch. (A kid's journey)

Holding her new chickens. (She got a hair cut, because her 12 year old brother decided to cut chunks out of her hair... which is a different story, and she's still pissy about it.)

So far, all 11 are alive. 3 polish crested, 3 red sex linked, 2 silkies, and 3 blue cochins, but I'm confused, because 2 of them are yellow and one's black. LOL I didn't realize if they were blue cochins, the babies would be different colors.

Holding her new chickens. (She got a hair cut, because her 12 year old brother decided to cut chunks out of her hair... which is a different story, and she's still pissy about it.)

So far, all 11 are alive. 3 polish crested, 3 red sex linked, 2 silkies, and 3 blue cochins, but I'm confused, because 2 of them are yellow and one's black. LOL I didn't realize if they were blue cochins, the babies would be different colors.

Sweet little babies!
You mean she didn't even cut her own hair!
I thought all kids cut their own hair atlas once...well mine did...lol
But never each others hair.
Poor thing....it will grow back and she is still precious!
Sweet little babies!
You mean she didn't even cut her own hair!
I thought all kids cut their own hair atlas once...well mine did...lol
But never each others hair.
Poor thing....it will grow back and she is still precious!
Her older brother decided to "play" barber, and didn't tell her he was using REAL scissors... He cut gigantic holes in her curls, so I had to lop it all off to fix the damage he did.... She's been telling everyone she meets her brother cut her hair.... they "assume" it was her 2 year old brother who did, until she informs them that no, it was her older, almost 13 year old brother that did it...

Everyone gives me the stink eye after she tells on him... LOL Like "what's wrong with your 12 year old" haha! Well, she learned a valuable lesson, if anyone wants to see your hair, DONT trust them!

I think I cut it so it looks okay though.

I let her take selfies on my phone, which cheered her up.

All babies are still alive, and accounted for. They are eating, drinking and chirping... so.. so far so good. There was a couple I was a little worried about. One of the two silkies was lethargic when it first got here, as was one of the red sex linked... but a little time under the heat lamp and me putting their beaks in water, they've come around and are eating/drinking now. My daughter is *So* excited about her two silkies!

Here's the little red sexlinked I'd been worried about. But she's more perky now and eating/drinking.

what's interesting, is these chickens panic less when you hold them, and they peck at our hands less then our EE batch. These guys seem more social right from the get go. I thought that was interesting.

Here's the little red sexlinked I'd been worried about. But she's more perky now and eating/drinking.

what's interesting, is these chickens panic less when you hold them, and they peck at our hands less then our EE batch. These guys seem more social right from the get go. I thought that was interesting.
Rem I told you I thought the EE were just not very social...none of mine chicks ever really liked to be held.
Isn't it so cute/funny/weird how different the breeds can be!?
Rem I told you I thought the EE were just not very social...none of mine chicks ever really liked to be held.
Isn't it so cute/funny/weird how different the breeds can be!?
The red sexlinked I was worried about died. I went back upstairs to check on them, and she was dead. :(

the others appear to be doing okay, but the two silkies have dirty butts, so I washed them off with a baby wipe to make sure they weren't plugged up, just to be safe. Since my daughter plans on putting diapers on her silkies, I'll just go ahead and make a habit of picking them up and wiping their butt off.
Rem I told you I thought the EE were just not very social...none of mine chicks ever really liked to be held.
Isn't it so cute/funny/weird how different the breeds can be!?
Oh - and our EE LOVE my daughter, they just aren't super big on being mauled non stop, but they've been handled for hours per day... so they are pretty used to her. She goes out there with them in their kennel for 2-3 hours a day and picks them up, sings to them, takes them water/food and plays with them...

Can't guarantee they'd like anyone else the way they like her, but they seem to really like her.
The red sexlinked I was worried about died. I went back upstairs to check on them, and she was dead. :(

the others appear to be doing okay, but the two silkies have dirty butts, so I washed them off with a baby wipe to make sure they weren't plugged up, just to be safe. Since my daughter plans on putting diapers on her silkies, I'll just go ahead and make a habit of picking them up and wiping their butt off.
Poor little chickie.
I hope you their Momma wasn't too sad.

Did you know that the Apple cider vinegar with the mother in the water helps that pasty butt problem?
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Poor little chickie.
I hope you their Momma wasn't too sad.

Did you know that the Apple cider vinegar with the mother in the water helps that pasty butt problem?
I did know about apple cider vinegar, but their butts were clean this morning, so if they persist to have dirty butts, I'll slip some ACV in their water. I just didn't want to give them anything "extra" before they de-stressed from the trip.

I'm kind of one of those "let nature take it's course" people, so when she got here, and wasn't looking so good, I kind of assumed she might not make it. I would have been ****** had my daughters silkie died upon arrival, since they were 12.75 a chicken, instead of 3.75....

But, the silkies are in there pushing all the bigger chicks around.
I did know about apple cider vinegar, but their butts were clean this morning, so if they persist to have dirty butts, I'll slip some ACV in their water. I just didn't want to give them anything "extra" before they de-stressed from the trip.

I'm kind of one of those "let nature take it's course" people, so when she got here, and wasn't looking so good, I kind of assumed she might not make it. I would have been ****** had my daughters silkie died upon arrival, since they were 12.75 a chicken, instead of 3.75....

But, the silkies are in there pushing all the bigger chicks around.

the AVC will help prevent the pasty butt.
It's good for everything!

I would have pooped for you too if it were one of the silkies! lol
Does she already have names for her favorite two?

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