Raising our first batch. (A kid's journey)

the AVC will help prevent the pasty butt.
It's good for everything!

I would have pooped for you too if it were one of the silkies! lol
Does she already have names for her favorite two?
She named one Sally, hasn't named the second one yet,. LOL Every name I've suggested, she shot down so far.
Dad :

Mom is one of these two hens :

Still waiting to see if any of the other eggs hatch, but i'm kind of doubtful at this point.
Your first lil baby hatched!
Your first lil baby hatched!
I think we just got the one!

We ordered a batch of silkie eggs, to try to hatch. I got 5+ for under 30 bucks with shipping, so were gonna give it a shot and see what happens. We have cochins, too, a roo, and 4 hens (if the 3 all survive to adult hood that are in the juvie box right now.)

My daughter loves the "frizzles" which are silkie/cochins???? I think (May need to double check that)... so I'm going to throw our cochin rooster in with them. I love our cochin rooster. He's such a sweetie.

I'm really loving raising chickens. As a hobby. Not even for the eggs at this point. lol

Star and Rexi.

S/he has been huddling under Rexi the silkie, who's 3 weeks. She's been sitting on him like a mother hen and has literally taken her under his wing. It's really funny to see a chick, raising another chick. She's really motherly... but I guess silkie's are known for being uber broody and liking babies?

Star likes me. No fear of me whatsoever. when I put my hand near him/her she runs over to me and jumps on nit. Rexi the silkie, is amore skittish.
Silkies are known for being very broody and very motherly

The frizzle cross is when you add in a frizzle gene, not just two breeds of chickens, you can get a frizzle out of almost any breed if you can introduce a frizzle gene, but not all the babies will show the frizzle gene

its hard to explain
Silkies are known for being very broody and very motherly

The frizzle cross is when you add in a frizzle gene, not just two breeds of chickens, you can get a frizzle out of almost any breed if you can introduce a frizzle gene, but not all the babies will show the frizzle gene

its hard to explain
if she wanted to get the frizzle gene into her flock, what's the best way to do that?

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