Raising pullets with rooster?


5 Years
Jun 17, 2014
Hello, I am volunteering at a farm and they are getting new pullets this spring. We have three roosters, one of which is separated from the others since he tends to fight with one other boy. He is a sweet rooster and does not cause us any problems, so I would feel bad putting him down. However, he is hogging the spare coop, which the owners of the farm plan on using to raise the new pullets. Since we have nowhere else to move him, he can either stay there or turn into chicken soup. My question is: Can I put pullets in there with him? He is not aggressive towards any of the hens besides normal rooster activity. I am just worried he will either pick on them because they are younger or because he cannot breed with them yet. If anyone has done this before and has any tips, I would love to hear them!

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