Raisings 2 sets of peachicks together with peahens


6 Years
Apr 10, 2018
Raisings 2 sets of peachicks together with Moms/peahens...I have two sets of peachicks. One set of (3) are a month old with Mom and are out growing their enclosure) ...Second set of (2) are a week old with Mom (and are already in a larger enclosure 14'W x 24'L . Question I have is ...Can I house both sets of peachicks together with both Moms and one Male Peacock. Is there a problem putting together 2 sets of peachicks of different ages...and will the Male be a problem adding the new set of month-old peachicks? I hope this makes sense. any information would be appreciated...first time with peachicks...Thanks
Thank you for your replies...I'm going to move the older chicks and Mom into the large enclosure today...Would it be better to do it at night or during the day? Again, Thank you so much for the help!
When I reintroduce birds together, they usually take a couple days to settle things out. As long as no peachicks are getting targeted, I'd give them a couple days, but it's up to you of course.
Thank you all for your inputs ...Here's the update. Moving day was a whole lot of Drama! I tried to move the month-old peachicks/w Mom into the large enclosure, and it didn't go well! Mom w 2-week-old chicks was fanned out and wasn't happy. My male Pied wasn't having it either. He has had the enclosure to himself for a couple years and started to attack the month-old chicks. to the point where he was trying to kill them. So long story short, I moved the month-olds/Mom into the large enclosure by themselves...Moved the 2 weeks olds/Mom into the smaller enclosure, and my male Pied is out with my other free-range peacocks. So now everyone has calmed out. Lesson learned! Again, thank you all for your replies

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