Random Hen Attack


10 Years
Mar 8, 2012
Middle Tennessee
I am a chicken newbie - my girls are about 5 months old. So far, only one of my Easter Eggers is laying...all have been hand-raised and are handled daily. I have never had an issues with aggression...UNTIL yesterday. While putting up the girls from free-ranging (as my folks had just stopped by for a visit), my one-and-only hen currently laying ATTACKED my mother. (My mother WAS complaining about how much she hated chickens at the time, and I'd love to think Gypsum understood her and that was the reason for the attack...
but seriously...) I mean, a full jump-at-her-face-with-claws-bared type of attack. My mother had chickens growing up (and apparently those instincts don't die) - she managed to fend Gypsum off with just a few scratches to show for ordeal, but WHY DID SHE ATTACK?!?! She has never shown aggression...in fact my 3-year old hand-feeds her. She isn't broody...any ideas? I was wondering if maybe it was my mother's jewlery? (Lots of bright shiny stuff...and I rarely wear more than my wedding ring.) Thoughts, anyone?
Wow! Better keep Momma away until she learns to like the girl.. My hens are so sweet I just can't imagine them attacking anything. Glad your mom is okay..I don't think THAT made her change her mind about chickens..Maybe hens can tell if someone doesn't like them.
Hi Texokie:)

This could be a couple of things, Hand raised or not, most chickens grow up to have their own character, Just like Humans, or any other creature. I've bread chickens that have grown up to be extremely agressive and I've bread some that wont hurt a fly, My old chicken Harry for instance, He used to follow me about the allotments like a dog, and we had a really good bond, I mean a really good bond haha, but around others, He wasn't interested. God Rest his soul. I've also had others like Scar, that would attack me for even entering the chicken run to feed him.

Maybe your chicken wasn't used to your mum and saw her as a threat? Maybe it was her jewels, or even clothes she was wearing that sparked an attack, Could even be she took a disliking to her, Really, I mean it could be anything.
Thanks y'all...I just wondered if this was common with hens (that WEREN'T protecting eggs/chicks). The other idea I had was, Gypsum really wasn't ready to come in from free-ranging (are they ever?), and my mother seemed like the weakest link? (If Gyps couldn't go around us, she was going to go THROUGH one of us, and as Mom is the smallest, she chose her?) I don't know...I guess I'll just keep an eye on her around other folks...on the off-chance it is a case of being territorial with folks she considers outsiders...
I had a hen that I hand raised from a chick and liked being held. Out of the blue she started to bite me (drawing blood every time) anytime I came near. I was able to re-train her that took about a month of being bit. Have no clue why she started the biting.

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