Rare chick from Mcmurray

we of course need some pictures!!!!
I got an additional Buttercup (ordered 4, got 5)!

I was a little disappointed at first, but they're turning out to be among the most outgoing and friendly of the group, so now I'm happy!
Ordered 10/10/5...BR/RIR/JG. Invoice stated 11 BR. Forward in time...as they developed one of the Bar Rocks was lagging the others considerably in development. Smaller in height and not getting that "oblong" shape they acquire. So I named her Pumpkin for her roundness appearance. She's still smaller than all the others and easily identifiable. I'm wondering if she was a "two yolk" baby?

I lost 27 of mine from Mcmurray. The 23 are doing GREAT but i have no clue what my rare chick was
I do have a cochin red frizzle so Im gunna say thats my mystery chick.......
Last year, we got a Sicilian Buttercup roo.

This year, we got a Cochin(?)... Same color as our Buff Orps, but has feathered legs.
I will try to post pictures tonight when I get home from work. MM also sent a free buff orpinton pullet. Which was nice of them seeing I had 4 die out of the 27 I ordered. I called them and they were very nice

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