rasing humidity in little giant incubator?


8 Years
Oct 22, 2011
im expecting 50 quail eggs, the lady suggested that the humidity be at 80-85 so ive had my incubator running for three days now at 99.5 and all i can get the humidity to is 68-70 any ideas how i could get it up to 80-85 add a cup of water? please help
To increase humidity you need to increase the surface area of available water. I plugged the holes in the 4 corners of the 'bater and filled not only the center reservior but now the sides as well. (I live in relatively dry northern CA and had the same problem). Some sponges, put on top of the wire can also increase humidity. I stayed away from cups or pans of water as you don't want newly hatched chicks falling in.
THE VENTILATION HOLES ARE VERY IMPORTANT ! If closed, tHe eggs will not get enough air; and they do need more oxygen during the last few days and during hatch. THey breath air and need to be able to exchange gases thruout the ENTIRE incubating process. THey will suffocate if the vents are closed.

I hatched turkeys in the LG and EASILY got the RH to 90+%

Use small cups(paper cups or baby food jars) and place a cut sponge in the cup of warm water with the sponge poking up out of the cup by 1-2".

Yes, don't plug the vent holes on top (although I keep one closed, and the one closest to the fan open). I am referring to the small holes in each of the four corners on the bottom of the bator. I plugged mine and completely solved my humidity problem, which had been significant.
To raise the humidity i added a small fish tank bubblier or a big one with adjust valve on it, in a cup of water or in the bottom if it holds water in the bottom
Also helps with keeping humidity when you open and close the lid
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How long should it take a chick to break out of the egg once it is pipped? I have one that pipped last night and it hasn't made any progress but I can hear it still alive in the shell. It sounds like its getting weaker. Should I attempt to assist? The one that I did help out seems to be ok, except it has gee membrane on it in 2 small spots. Should I try to remove the membrane?
Help, This is my first hatch. Can anyone advise on this please. Haven't gotten anything done all day except watch the little peeps and my 8lb Malti-poo loves to watch too!
should hatch around 24hr after pipping, if it will not hatch its self its will not survive anyway. when it gets up moving around and fluff out them membrane should just fall off if you can take your finger and lightly flake it off, i would let nature take its course as much as possible

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