Raspy Naked Neck Turken


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 6, 2012
Portland, OR

I am new to having chickens. I bought a little red coop off of craigslist and I got two 5 month old chickens (red sex link and a naked neck turken) from a coworker and one 7 month old buff Ameraucana from a breeder.
I've had them for about 3 weeks now and last week my two young chickens started getting a bit sick:

-My red sex link developed a cough and raspy breathing which went away in a couple of days after I added cider vinegar to their water. There were no other symptoms.

- the same day, my naked neck was scratched on the chest (from the Ameraucana, I think) and had a puffy cheek. I kept her inside and put neosporin on her chest wound and her cheek twice a day for two days and it went away so I put her back outside. However yesterday we had a particularly hot day and my housemate found her lying in the sun with raspy breathing. She was brought inside again where she was lethargic for most of the day.

Today she is doing much better, she is perched and curious, but her breathing is still raspy. I put her outside to be with the other chickens, but my plan is to keep her inside at night.

My Ameraucana has had no symptoms.

So, I guess my question is:

What is going on?! Any ideas of remedies for the rattling?

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