Rat in coop


7 Years
Oct 1, 2015
I recently found that a rat has been living in the chicken coop. Is a single rat a serious threat to a flock of chickens? They are fairy large and living directly under the chickens' sleeping area.

If there is any chance of the rat hurting my chickens, I have traps to get rid of them but I would rather not do that unless necessary, as silly as that sounds.
Where do you live ( general region) and what does the rat home look like?

If it’s a messy nest of twigs, hay, litter, etc. it could be a pack rat, which indeed would be solitary and would typically not harm the chickens... I’d still catch it and get it out of there though.

If it’s a hole/burrow it could be a Norway rat... in which case there are likely more than one, and they are a danger to your chickens.
Where do you live ( general region) and what does the rat home look like?

If it’s a messy nest of twigs, hay, litter, etc. it could be a pack rat, which indeed would be solitary and would typically not harm the chickens... I’d still catch it and get it out of there though.

If it’s a hole/burrow it could be a Norway rat... in which case there are likely more than one, and they are a danger to your chickens.
I live in north-west America, and they are indeed living in a burrow. I don't think there's more than one but there is a chance, I guess.
I live in north-west America, and they are indeed living in a burrow. I don't think there's more than one but there is a chance, I guess.

You want to remove it then... once you catch it, I’d keep setting just in case there are more. I’d do this sooner than later, so that it doesn’t multiply or attack your chickens.
Definitely remove the rat. Rats and mice can carry red mites which are next to impossible to get rid of if you have an aviary or flock infected with them. Additionally they are highly predatory. Zoos and aviculturists the world round lose birds to them. In one night I had nearly $2000 lost because rats chewed through the wall into my bird room and killed an entire flock of Blue-faced Parrot Finches (both normal and lutino). Additionally they soil feeders and water receptacles. All around not a good thing to have in the coop. I would hazard that there is probably more than one as well.
If you see one, you likely will have MANY more! Rats killed three nice bantam pullets here a few years ago before we eliminated them, and they do carry unpleasant diseases that we can all catch.
Pet rats are great; wild rats invading your space, not good.
And it generally takes poison to eliminate them, in addition to proofing your coop and run.

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