Rat prevention question


Mar 18, 2019
We are building a new chicken coop. We are building it with the 5/8” inch plywood floor. We are placing flooring on 4 x 4’s pressure-treated. We are wondering if we should put 1/2” galvanized wire on the dirt before we install the 4 x 4s & before attaching the plywood flooring. We are considering adding the wire in hopes of keeping rats/mice from living underneath? Is the wire even necessary as it adds lots more labor & cost? We are trying to work rat prevention into our coop.
Rats will chew through plywood like it's paper. I would definitely add some hardware cloth. Some say a wire skirt will stop them also but I'm not familiar with them.
I wouldn't rely on essential oils. In addition to potentially causing issues with your birds by irritating their lungs, that's going to be a lot of re-application, and for something that may or may not actually work.

Anti-dig aprons work best if not laid flat on the surface. The ideal thing to do is dig down at least six inches, and have the apron going down six inches into the ground, and then outward. Predators may figure out how to get under an apron that's on the surface, but if it's underground, they dig down, run into it, and can't figure out how to go around.
Thank you all for thoughtful & helpful replies. I kept chickens for over 25 years, then moved to Oregon for 10 years. No chickens there— too many bears in the area. Now back in Ca and delighted to again have chickens. Can’t wait!

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