rat problem in my duck pen...cats to the rescue!!

Adressing the ear. Most of the time there are trap- sterilize- and release programs that trap feral kitty's sterilize them and in order to mark them as sterilized they nip off the tip of the ear. Sounds like what happened here. Your female is feral, the male is not. Either way you have a kitty you can love on and 2 that will work for their living. They have a job that is suited to their personality's and species. Keep them cooped up to get them adjusted to their new home and keep that poison up. Your kitty's are the best defense against rodent's you can get! Once again I thank you for giving that girl the home she needed.
Thanks Mrs GT...That's good to know about the ear at least. I never heard that before either. All is going well here....at this point. They are fun to talk to and look at for now...and we'll be so proud of them once they start working and reducing the rodents around here.
holding them and loving them will not deter their hunting skills. My "barn cats" love to be brushed, held and loved on. (except for Stinker) BB even comes in the house once in a while and she is ruthless on mice, rats, gophers and the occassional unlucky black bird.
I am enjoying this thread. Our cat is a great mouser and, thankfully, has been good to our chicks. She won't hesitate to kill a wild bird, but she seems to think the chicks are her friends. Best of luck with Lily, she may come around.
Thanks much! I'm learning so much in this thread too- so glad I started it.

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