rate the chicken breed

buff orpington 8/10 (beautiful fluffy feathers)
magpie duck 5/10 (don't actually know what that is so that is why the rating is so low)
canada goose 10/10 ( i see them every day in summer!)

sapphire gem
indian runner duck
broad breasted bronze turkey

usually, if i dont know a breed I look it up

sapphire gem 8/10 (pretty)
Indian runner duck 7/10 (have some there cute but skittish)
broad breasted bronze turkey 5/10 (pretty but basic)

cream legbar, white peacock.coral blue guinea fowl
usually, if i dont know a breed I look it up

sapphire gem 8/10 (pretty)
Indian runner duck 7/10 (have some there cute but skittish)
broad breasted bronze turkey 5/10 (pretty but basic)

cream legbar, white peacock.coral blue guinea fowl
Cream Legbar 9/10 pretty eggs, very pretty and unique birds, autosexing, very wonderful
White peacock 9/10 One of the few peacock colors I like as much as the India Blue because of their novelty.
Coral blue guinea fowl 10/10 One of the best guinea colors. I like the purplish, bluish cast their grey feathers have.

Tufted Roman Goose, Narragansett turkey, ash red bar (called silver sometimes) Birmingham Roller pigeon
Cream Legbar 9/10 pretty eggs, very pretty and unique birds, autosexing, very wonderful
White peacock 9/10 One of the few peacock colors I like as much as the India Blue because of their novelty.
Coral blue guinea fowl 10/10 One of the best guinea colors. I like the purplish, bluish cast their grey feathers have.

Tufted Roman Goose, Narragansett turkey, ash red bar (called silver sometimes) Birmingham Roller pigeon
yay I have an amazing cream legbar

tufted roman goose 8/10 (kind of cute)
Narragansett turkey 7/10 (there pretty)
ash red bar Birmingham roller Pidgeon 6/10 (I'm not sure)

red jungle fowl, blue Indian runner duck, cinnamon Coturnix quail
yay I have an amazing cream legbar

tufted roman goose 8/10 (kind of cute)
Narragansett turkey 7/10 (there pretty)
ash red bar Birmingham roller Pidgeon 6/10 (I'm not sure)

red jungle fowl, blue Indian runner duck, cinnamon Coturnix quail
Red jungle fowl: 4/10 (they're cool, but I wouldn't want them in my flock)
Blue Indian runner duck: 8/10
Cinnamon Coturnix quail: 5/10

Salmon faverolles, Welsh Harlequins, and Pastel guineas
Red jungle fowl: 4/10 (they're cool, but I wouldn't want them in my flock)
Blue Indian runner duck: 8/10
Cinnamon Coturnix quail: 5/10

Salmon faverolles, Welsh Harlequins, and Pastel guineas
Salmon faverolles: 7/10
Welsh Harlequins: 5/10
Pastel guineas: 3/10
Silver Laced Sebright, Cayuga Duck, Button Quail

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