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-sigh- On Thursday or Friday the day I think was a (1) :( I have an old mama duck and she is now to old to lay eggs.... but, she had one egg that could hatch. and guys what it DID!!!! -sigh- The next day I went out there I didn't hear any peeping or anything and the duck wasn't out side so I lifted black mama off her nest (my old duck) to see if the baby was there or not.... It was, but it was dead
but my black mama was still sitting on it guarding it with her life. I cried a bit and took a long walk by my self. I thought it was going to be my new friend. Peeper was my last duck that I loved and guarded. He was a part of a big batch of eggs and I got there just in time he was trying to get out of his shell but he couldn't and so I rushed him to my dad who was in the back yard
thank god, and so my dad started pealing away the egg shell and peeper was still alive thank god one more time. ha ha he thought my dad was his mom. Gosh I am crying. So we had him in the house for a while until he was getting to big so we took him to the duck pen and put him in with his sisters and brothers. We only have Muscovy ducks and the way I could tell it was him was because he had a little yellow, I think, splot on his right foot. I would pet him and talk to him and hold him. My mom and dad take are baby ducks to the ocshin I don't know if I spelt that right, but my mom and dad had to take to trips with the ducks witch meant 2 days. My mom and dad said they wouldn't take peeper the first trip but I wasn't out there to make sure, and they took him away first. -sad sigh- almost every night I think about him -,_- I heard my dad say the people usually just take the girl ducks and the boy ducks.... are eaten
so I don't know what happened to him he might still be out there or, he might be dead.... I just hope I will see him again, some day I don't know were but I just wont to see him, and all my past ducks, and all the animals that I loved and that have past on. Ha sorry if you read this it is boring and pointless but I just had to get that off my chest maybe he is watching me right now along with Bell, Flatbed, Cocoa, my grandma, the really nice lady that used to live near my alive G ma, and brown mama duck, Root Bear, Daffeny, Daisy, all the past away duck lings, that one duckling I was telling you about at the beginning that I was going to call Hope, and all are past away sheep
I will see them again someday I know it.
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-sigh- On Thursday or Friday the day I think was a (1) :( I have an old mama duck and she is now to old to lay eggs.... but, she had one egg that could hatch. and guys what it DID!!!! -sigh- The next day I went out there I didn't hear any peeping or anything and the duck wasn't out side so I lifted black mama off her nest (my old duck) to see if the baby was there or not.... It was, but it was dead
but my black mama was still sitting on it guarding it with her life. I cried a bit and took a long walk by my self. I thought it was going to be my new friend. Peeper was my last duck that I loved and guarded. He was a part of a big batch of eggs and I got there just in time he was trying to get out of his shell but he couldn't and so I rushed him to my dad who was in the back yard
thank god, and so my dad started pealing away the egg shell and peeper was still alive thank god one more time. ha ha he thought my dad was his mom. Gosh I am crying. So we had him in the house for a while until he was getting to big so we took him to the duck pen and put him in with his sisters and brothers. We only have Muscovy ducks and the way I could tell it was him was because he had a little yellow, I think, splot on his right foot. I would pet him and talk to him and hold him. My mom and dad take are baby ducks to the ocshin I don't know if I spelt that right, but my mom and dad had to take to trips with the ducks witch meant 2 days. My mom and dad said they wouldn't take peeper the first trip but I wasn't out there to make sure, and they took him away first. -sad sigh- almost every night I think about him -,_- I heard my dad say the people usually just take the girl ducks and the boy ducks.... are eaten
so I don't know what happened to him he might still be out there or, he might be dead.... I just hope I will see him again, some day I don't know were but I just wont to see him, and all my past ducks, and all the animals that I loved and that have past on. Ha sorry if you read this it is boring and pointless but I just had to get that off my chest maybe he is watching me right now along with Bell, Flatbed, Cocoa, my grandma, the really nice lady that used to live near my alive G ma, and brown mama duck, Root Bear, Daffeny, Daisy, all the past away duck lings, that one duckling I was telling you about at the beginning that I was going to call Hope, and all are past away sheep
I will see them again someday I know it.
Ive only own chickens for 2 years and Im so attached to my chickens that some people don't understand. I have a favorite a silkie rooster name Booboo. I talked to him like he is my best friend and I would be crushed if something happened to Booboo!! I have lost some of my chickens cause of hawks and I feel partly responsible cause I like them to get out of the coop and play..They seem to be so happy when they aren't catched up, but the risk is high
I like to think I'll see my past on animals to one day in heaven!

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