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A 9 a I had to go to the big city LA today and wow them city people drive like they are on drugs but they did have fast food and big stores where I did not have to talk to every last person before getting out to the car and then I n the way home I remembered that in the city I should lock the car and remove the kegs guess I just got lucky again .....

The new additions to the yard and yes the mommy is keeping them under the shed and I just so happened to get them out for a quick look see and then they were back under the shed .....

You know the old saying you can look GI, but no touch ......
A 9 a I had to go to the big city LA today and wow them city people drive like they are on drugs but they did have fast food and big stores where I did not have to talk to every last person before getting out to the car and then I n the way home I remembered that in the city I should lock the car and remove the kegs guess I just got lucky again .....

wow, la is not fun! my aunt lives near la and i can't stand it! My cousin used to drive like he was still in la, but our slow little town (and me yelling at him, lol : P ) made him drive right.
P.S. those people are on drugs most likely, lol, you obviously haven't spent enough time in that city, lol! Wow, you did get lucky! We always park in parking garages, so have never gotten robbed.
Me and Kay walked around Beverly Hills for a day and got some food, and went shopping. The traffic in crazy, and we almost got ran over like 3 times! Ha ha, then we couldn't remember where
we were supposed to meet my parents! We weren't late getting back to where we needed to be, but it was crazy. We walked like 20 blocks, we were tired when we got back home 7 hours later... Ha ha!

My day was a 5 so far

The new additions to the yard and yes the mommy is keeping them under the shed and I just so happened to get them out for a quick look see and then they were back under the shed .....

You know the old saying you can look GI, but no touch ......

they are so cute!!!!!!!!

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