Rate Your Day From A Scale Of 1-10

5, because I shot my 30-06 a lot, but it slipped off my shoulder and cut my forehead

OW! Hope you get better soon!
This is the biggest gun (shotgun) I've ever shot.

My day was (from start to now) 1-2-1-5-1-8-9-8-9 lol
O I think that shotgun looks bigger then you

Well no problems so it was a 9.9

Lol I know! That's what I told my cuz, he handed it to me and I looked at him and said "How in the world to you expect me to shoot that when it is bigger than me??!?!??" Lol. he had to help me!

He let go for a sec, and when I fired, I almost fell over!

My day was a 9

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