
I had rats kill a brood of Serama chicks last week. To say I was mad and sad, is an understatement. I even had them in a hanging cage, 4 feet above the floor. With the momma hen. But the rat pulled their little bodies through the bottom of the cage (1/2 in by 1/2in wire). I hate rats. I have more traps set up than I have animals.....and every once in a while, I do get a rat but they seem to get more of mine. :(
I am so sorry for your loss. that really bites. :(
I had rats kill a brood of Serama chicks last week. To say I was mad and sad, is an understatement. I even had them in a hanging cage, 4 feet above the floor. With the momma hen. But the rat pulled their little bodies through the bottom of the cage (1/2 in by 1/2in wire). I hate rats. I have more traps set up than I have animals.....and every once in a while, I do get a rat but they seem to get more of mine. :(
I am so sorry for your loss. that really bites. :(
How horrible!!!! So sorry about your babies! Poor Momma hen...
I have half a mind to go out there at night to catch them off guard and pop 'em with a BB gun.. I would have never guessed that they could do such damage!
Need to double up on my predator security also, just for peace of mind. I promise, they wont get another bird again.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I'd really hate to come across a scene like that myself, I'd be sick too. As someone else mentioned, if you get chicks again, I'd have a coop set up in the house or garage. We've kept chicks in the house, the most was ten at one time, until they were at least a month old...maybe even older. At the very least keep them in the house/garage at night, and have a secure run (no chicken wire, but hardware cloth) during the day. Rats are awful vermin indeed.
So sorry you have lost your babies, I love my girls so much and would be devastated if anything happened to them.
Thanks you guys....

I will one day get lil chicks again, just cause they are sooo darn cute! But will also stow them away for a bit longer as well.. I had them out all day and would bring them in at night, then I figured if I locked em up tight that they would be okay even at night. Worked for a little while, but eventually those vermin found their way....

UGH!!! Its not like me to hate on many things.... But seeing what happened to my little sweets just twists my stomach!!
We used "hardware cloth" for our coop. It has about 1/4 in openings that are too small even for mice. It is also really strong so animals like racoons can't pull the openings open and reach in. It is pretty expensive compared to chicken wire, but we felt it was worth it. I have learned to never under estimate wild animals. In January, a coyote jumped our 5 foot fence and got one of my chickens! It is so sad. Keep reading posts on here...this is where I have learned much of what I know.
We used "hardware cloth" for our coop. It has about 1/4 in openings that are too small even for mice. It is also really strong so animals like racoons can't pull the openings open and reach in. It is pretty expensive compared to chicken wire, but we felt it was worth it. I have learned to never under estimate wild animals. In January, a coyote jumped our 5 foot fence and got one of my chickens! It is so sad. Keep reading posts on here...this is where I have learned much of what I know.
Best advice ever!!!

I do want hardware cloth as well, but as you were saying, the cost is fairly high. And when on a tight budget it just looks even more expensive. But how can you put a price on peace of mind?? Especially when a defenseless animal's life is on the line....
I want to buy hardware cloth little by little and piece together a super sturdy housing area. Preferably continued off the structure I already have. That way getting more chicks will never be a worry, only something to enjoy. Thats my goal anyways!
Thanks for the replies, this site really has been amazing!!!
So sorry for your loss.I would feel EXACTLY the same. SO GUILTY but you shouldnt b/c You had no idea.
I have big dogs in my back yard and i am making my run about like Fort Knox but still who knows.Mine are 6 weeks old like little hens but still its A mean old world out there for chickens.

Also didnt know that rats would get chickens .
Are you sure it wasnt a weasel?
I READ THE OTHER DAY THeY EAT THE chickens HEAD leave the body WHY you can tell if its weasels or coons.
I think they are about the size of rats too
Either way I think I would put them inside next time until they were older. First few weeks they are no bother inside in a cage or tub with a screen.
Well hindsight is 20 20 . VEry Hard lesson for you though.AGain sorry.
So sorry for your loss.I would feel EXACTLY the same. SO GUILTY but you shouldnt b/c You had no idea.
I have big dogs in my back yard and i am making my run about like Fort Knox but still who knows.Mine are 6 weeks old like little hens but still its A mean old world out there for chickens.

Also didnt know that rats would get chickens .
Are you sure it wasnt a weasel?
I READ THE OTHER DAY THeY EAT THE chickens HEAD leave the body WHY you can tell if its weasels or coons.
I think they are about the size of rats too
Either way I think I would put them inside next time until they were older. First few weeks they are no bother inside in a cage or tub with a screen.
Well hindsight is 20 20 . VEry Hard lesson for you though.AGain sorry.
I'm so sorry to hear that you have had a rat problem. I lost all my chickens to a fox last year, and cried my eyes out all morning. We know we have a family of foxes in nearby fields, so we are very careful. We didn't expect a fox attack mid morning. It was probably a ravenous female nursing hercubs, as it would have been very risky for her. However careful we are, these things happen, unfortunately. Chickens have been easy prey since the dawn of chicken time. I can imagine the awful sinking feeling you experienced when you realised Hatvhad happened.

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