Rattle and cough in he


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2023
Closing up my coop tonight I heard a strange sound coming from my hen. She continues to be bullied b several hens so she is in isolation. I tried to upload the sound but i am unable to. she is gurgling sort of like the sound a percolator makes when brewing coffee. Eventually, she will let out a cough. She was eating and drinking normally today and was active. Her crop was normal this evening. Her energy is typical. There was no discharge coming from her eyes or beak, she has black skin so her comb and wattles looked normal. I did notice her poop was both formed/whitish in the middle and the outside is runny. I am terrified that I’m going to find her deceased in the morning. Also as far as I know she has not laid eggs since last fall. She has been known to eat her eggs in the past, so I cannot be certain.
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She is about 2 years old. We feed her New Country Organics classic grind layer feed.
I saw a post with a video of someones hen making the same exact noise with the cough. I am not sure how things turned out. I do not believe it has anything to do with her crop, but I could be wrong. She is not a hyper bird that jumps around and gets excited but I am not with her all of the time so anything is possible.

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