Rattlesnake in nesting box

Best to have someone experienced with snakes remove and either kill/release the snake somewhere else, then secure it against snakes. They can get into holes much smaller than you would think, and I'm not sure if there's much that will keep them out other than not being able to physically get in.
The best way to get a snake out of a difficult spot like a wood pile is to spray the CO2 fire extinguisher in there. They are cold blooded, and that brings them out real fast. But be prepared; they will not be happy when them come out.

I read somewhere that you get bird netting -- the plastic flexible kind- and sort of spiral it loosely around the perimeter of the area. The snakes get caught in it as they slither through the netting. It would have to be a few layers in the spiral to entangle them.
I'm still wondering about the "moth Ball" thing, I thought about putting it around the perimeter of my coop and run, I know it will kill dogs, but my dogs are fenced in another area? What to you think?
I had a snake eat one of my fake eggs the other day.
Last year I had a black snake get into my brooder and eat one of my 1 week old chicks. We were really new. We then built them one with hardware cloth. Plus I put mothballs all around.(not where they can get to them) and I never had problems again. I also put mothballs in my well house to keep them out. I have heard some people say they don't work but I have had success. Good luck would not like that at all. I am petrified of them. UUUUGGHHHH
terry's chicks :

I'm still wondering about the "moth Ball" thing, I thought about putting it around the perimeter of my coop and run, I know it will kill dogs, but my dogs are fenced in another area? What to you think?

It will kill chickens too, even if you keep the moth balls out of reach somehow, the gases released can give the chickens, not to mention you, lung cancer. In addition they will leach into the ground and contaminate the soil and anything living in the soil or running around on top of it that includes worms, insects, and mice all of which chickens eat. Moth balls were a mistake to manufacture and should NEVER be used. For a good safe deterrent I would use cedar oil around the outside of the coup. I would not use netting in a way which traps the snakes unless you have a good pair of snake gloves and are ready to deal with a very angry snake. Good luck snake hunting!​
So we don't have chickens yet, and are still finishing up the fence, coup and run so we can get them next year. We only killed 9 rattlesnakes last year on the property, so this may become a problem. Thoughts for preventing them getting in the coup that I am building? I would post plan sketches, but I can't yet. not enough posts.
that's actually kind of funny.... fence... posts.... not enough posts.......
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