Rattling noise when breathing


5 Years
Mar 5, 2015
One of my girls has suddenly started rattling whilst breathing. I have tried to clear any blockage as you would for compacted crop, but nothing came out. She has recently had a nasty injury and she has been having cage rest for about a week, today was the first time that she was allowed to return to her flock and she seemed perfectly OK when I put her out this morning. She is now rattling and passing a clear yellowish fluid which resembles egg white.
She is off lay because of her recent trauma so not egg bound, and her crop is empty even though she had some chicken treats, pellets and a scrambled egg with her antibiotics at breakfast, she also joined in with the usual race for treats this afternoon, now she is in the henfirmary cage looking miserable and very quiet. Any suggestions anyone?
Do you suppose you could flesh out your information a bit? Can you tell us when she was injured and what the nature of the injury is and why she's on an antibiotic?

What color is her comb? And describe how you tried to "clear a possible blockage". Did the rattling begin before or after you tried to clear the blockage?

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