Re-homed chickens (PICS)


12 Years
Jan 7, 2008
North Idaho
I picked up 4 new chickens off of craigs list. 2 light brahmas, 1 buff orpington, and aa black star. After seeing them I knew they needed to come home with me. They were kept in a small coop/run and were only fed corn. They were friendly from the peoples daughter playing with them. Their nails are long and on one of the Brahmas I can't tell if her feet are messed up from someone picking at the feathers on her feet or what? Any suggestions. I know there is feather pecking because the buff orpington has the feathers on the back of her neck gone. Needless to say, the girls are isolated and getting greens, oatmeal, yogurt, oyster shell, and layer feed. They are very sweet and I can't wait until it warms up so I clean them up better. It was 18 degrees this morning.








The one at the top is in the early stages of scaly leg mite. Treatable, but highly contagious - the others have probably already got it, so quarantine them from the rest of your flock. You need to get some mineral oil / baby oil (it comes under lots of different names) and add a few drops of tea tree oil. Dip each leg in and hold for 20 seconds, repeat every few days. If you want to clip the nails then you can use dog nail clippers, but watch out for the quick - the blood vessel in the nail.

They don't look *too* bad in general, from the visible signs some TLC and a good diet will fix them up good and proper.
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It's looks like she may have scaly leg. That's when the mites go up under the scales on their legs and you can't see them, but it raises the scales. If not treated it can be very painful and actually cause limbs to fall off. A rooster I got from someone had it really badly, I rubbed VetRX on his legs 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks and it cleared up. If you don't have VetRX you can use olive oil. Hope she gets better.
I thought mites, but I wasn't too sure. I'll start the dipping tonight when I get home from work. I figured just some TLC would help them out. They really are sweet girls. My 2 year old will not leave the buff orpington alone. He wants to name her Crocodile. Somehow I just can't bring myself to do it. The black star has a nick name, but I can't say it on this forum. She is the alpha and a real brat.

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