Re-Homing Gambel's Quail - Tucson, Az


Jun 22, 2015
I have 13 female Gambel's quail and 5 males who are in need of a new home. The females and three of the males are a little over a year old, and the females are still laying. (I'm getting about ten eggs a day, last time I checked) The last 2 Males hatched this spring and have yet to be integrated with the older birds.

They're all free.

I'll be leaving for a trip Aug. 3rd, so I'd like to get them re-homed before I leave, but if that's unmanageable, I'll be back by the 11th.

Pick-up only. PM me if you're interested - It's first come, first serve - and I'll give you the details.

I'll be sure to leave a post telling you when they're all gone.

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