Re introducing


7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Louisville Ky
I have a Polish hen that has been ill, so I brought her in the house for chicken ICU. My question is, how will re introduction go? I am seeing awesome improvement in her and kinds figured that eventually, she will be well enough to go back with her flock mates.
Put her in say,a dog crate. Something wire, but with some sort of hidey hole (like a milk crate) . Set her in there w/ food and water to see how the other chickens react. If they attack her, she can hide in the milk crate, and she'll have food and water. Once they start to ignore her, you can let her out to see if they'll attack if. If not, I'd say its all well, if so, put her back to her 'safe place'.

Or you can put a lower ranking chicken in with her, and each day switch out (maybe everyother day) a different chicken higher on the pecking order, so that shes re-met all of them, then put her in with the ful fock. I've never done this, but some people have.

Or you can just put her on the roost at night and see if shes being pecked on in morning.

I like the first one best, but its up to you :)
I'll probably use the first... She's smaller than the others. I didn't know if they'd remember her or not. She's one of my original flock and was my banty roos main girl (my banty roo is the main guy lol)
Oh, well, get another polish
Favorelle would work too.

Although if they don't accept her, you may have to do so and have them bond, then introduce each other together
I think Im going to get her a boyfriend and a few friends. She still has her moments where she loses balance, but she is staying awake more and attacking her snacks again. She stretches real tall sometimes ...I'm not sure what that's about

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