Ready for a bigger coop.


In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2020
Hello everyone,
I started with six, year-old chickens; 3 RIR and 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks in a small prefab coop last March. We lost three to hawks and adopted another. Now we have two of each. Looking forward to building a bigger coop and getting about 15, day-old chicks this spring. We are in Methuen, Massachusetts.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Are you planning to continue free ranging them?
The new coop will have a bigger run and I plan to predator proof it, however I do plan to free range. I was devastated after the hawk attacks and considered keeping them locked in. Then my son's friend had a heart to heart talk with me and remarked how much happier our chickens are than his that are confined to a pen. I have also noticed that they learn. When we first got our girls they were often out in the middle of our property. Now they stick closer to the coop or near bushes. The screech of a hawk sends them scrambling. When I let them out I often pray Psalm 91:4
He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 🙏😄🐔
The new coop will have a bigger run and I plan to predator proof it, however I do plan to free range. I was devastated after the hawk attacks and considered keeping them locked in. Then my son's friend had a heart to heart talk with me and remarked how much happier our chickens are than his that are confined to a pen. I have also noticed that they learn. When we first got our girls they were often out in the middle of our property. Now they stick closer to the coop or near bushes. The screech of a hawk sends them scrambling. When I let them out I often pray Psalm 91:4
He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 🙏😄🐔
Do you have any roosters?
I confine my flock to a 1/3 acre electrified pen that contains the coop with attached run, which are both totally predator proof. The pen has a lot of plantings, one of which is a huge Quince that the flock shelters under. I had a hawk strike but because of the two boys sounding the alarm everyone made it either into the bush or the run. No one was injured.
So I agree a compromise should be made. I won't continuously confine my flock to their run. But their run is quite large and they don't really leave it often during the winter here when there is snow on the ground. That is their safety zone during winter.

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