Ready for outside?


Aug 15, 2022
I have 20 silkie chicks that are quickly outgrowing the brooder I have inside. They are 3 weeks old. I have a big outdoor enclosure that is very secure. Has an indoor part and an outdoor run that's about half a foot taller than the outside ground. My question is if I provide them with a heat lamp outside ( I also live in AZ so it's naturally hot right now), can I move them outside yet or should I wait about another week. They aren't quite fully Feathered. The run has a roof as well. They have had some outdoor time everyday for about the last week. In the pic is a different coop than the one I'd like to move them to
I was in a similar situation a few weeks ago. I ended up deciding to keep them in for just one more week. In that week they went from getting along great to massive feather picking. All the chicks suffered at least some feather loss and mild bleeding. They are now 7 1/2 weeks old and all survived the ordeal and nearly all their feathers have grown back but I felt horrible at the time and I wish I would have moved them out earlier rather than keeping them crowded.
I was in a similar situation a few weeks ago. I ended up deciding to keep them in for just one more week. In that week they went from getting along great to massive feather picking. All the chicks suffered at least some feather loss and mild bleeding. They are now 7 1/2 weeks old and all survived the ordeal and nearly all their feathers have grown back but I felt horrible at the time and I wish I would have moved them out earlier rather than keeping them crowded.
I actually just witnessed some bullying happening in the group, so I opted to moving them! This definitely helped thank you!
As long as they've been acclimated to the outside weather they should be fine. Depending on how far temperatures swing overnight they might not even need a heat lamp.
Forgot to mention mine have been going out on days above 22deg for about a week only during day then in at night. Not going under heat plate anymore. I still plan on bring them in on cold nights.

They're also in a coop that is in a huge coop for safe bonding.

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