Ready Set Hatch! Set 3/17 Hatch 4/7 - ready now! Hatch-Along

Hey all.. I have a little problem and hoping someone can help me..I have a chick that's eye are swolen a lot only 1 eye I took him to the vet and they said its only an eye invection and gave me eye salf and antibiotics to put in his water (eye started about 3 weeks ago but not that bad since the last 3 days) but since last night he doesn't walk that well his toes are curled like a chicks foot with curled toes and nothing was wrong with its feet since yesterday... Any idee what it can be and what too do???? I'm starting to wonder if I must kill it because it looks very bad
Hi Annemarie! Do you still have eggs in the incubator? I'm not experienced with the eye/toe problem but I have read about it. Sounds like it may be weak and prone to infection because of a vitamin deficiency. Here's a link, make sure to read the follow up as to outcome and what she did. It was lack of vitamin B I think that caused the curled toes at that age.
Good luck!
You may try posting a picture of eyes and feet on the diseases and injury forum on BYC, lots of chicken medically experienced members lurk there :)
Guys my humidity won't stay stable. I fill the water dishesvand it spikes up to 50 or 60%.. and then goes down to 45 within about 10 hours.. do you think during lock down I should over shoot it a bit so it will be close to right when they hatch?
Lockdown went good I pulled 6 and started eggtopsy one had quite within the last week and one was still alive. after the alive one I decided to put the other 4 back just in case. I know have 28 going into lockdown, 12 in the white carton that looked full, 12 in the pink carton that I wasn't sure about and 4 well... I have 4 reusable paper towels under the wire and all the chambers full and humidity is holding at 71%
Just "power candled" (left the eggs in the cartons and just put the flashlight to each air cell real quick) my eggs and they are looking great. I'm running it dry until internal pipping, and tonight will be my last turn (I'm giving them more time to position).
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