Really gross-looking white colored legs on some of my silkies?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 31, 2012
I have this silkie, and the rooster looks like he has it too, and one other silkie may also have this. I've never noticed it before but it's kinda wet today so everyone's leg feathers are sticking together. I don't know of they've always had this or not:




Does anyone know what it is?

Also, while I had her and was looking her over, lifting feathers and such, I saw 2 bugs on her. Is that ok or is evidence of any bugs bad?
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No the scales don't appear to be raised, the legs just look white and swollen and somewhat wrinkly... And just all around disgusting really
Looks like scaley leg mites to me..... as for the bugs, did you go ahead and do a thorough check for any others?
No I did not check the others, they free range and they're really difficult to catch, by the time they're roosting it's dark, But i went ahead and bought some high-yield garden pet and livestock dust, dusted the whole coop and the chickens too, and all their favorite dust-bath spots, I also gave them a plastic tub filled with 50/50 dirt and diatomaceous earth as another source for bathing. Might as well take preventative action instead of wait till I know there's a problem right? Can anyone recommend any type of treatment for the scaley leg mites that does not involve touching/smearing stuff on the legs with my finger? I really, really don't want to touch them... Really. Also I'm not sure if it is scaley leg mites- I know you guys think so but there's only so much info you can get from a picture, the scales are not raised and the white stuff is not powdery or crusty, it just looks wrinkly and swollen. However since that's the feedback I'm getting, I've only had chickens for 2&1/2 months so I'm not really one to argue with you more experienced chicken keepers! also I can't find any other info on the Internet regarding white legs on chickens that doesn't end up pointing to scaley leg mites so..? Anyways, any suggestions for treatment would be greatly appreciated!

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