Really red rooster butt


May 10, 2016
Kitimat, British Columbia
Is this mites or something else?? I flipped him over to trim his butt feathers as he hasn't been producing fertile eggs and was met with this shocking red tone. Nothing else about him seems amiss but this colour goes up his belly... His plumage is full and beautiful but his skin below is not.


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Mites can cause a lot of damage around the vent. I have had them create scabs before. Look through his feathers and see if he has any.
That looks like the red skin that we see on combs and wattles, and it sometimes appears on legs. For what reason I don’t know. Some of the rooster guys might have an answer. You might want to trim some of the excess fluff from around his vent to see if his fertility is improved. How old is he? Are his legs looking reddish, and is he actively mating?

You should be able to see eveidence of mites or lice if he has any. Look especially under the vent for live bugs, or lice eggs and mite poop.

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