Reborn artists, I have some questions


Aug 30, 2015
I didn't want to sign up for a reborn forum just to ask a few questions, so I'm hoping a reborn artist will see this.
I love reborn babies, and was wondering if I should be a reborn artist when I grow up. People call me an artist, and I understand it would take a lot of devotion. It would be nice if I could stay at home and work. I would love to meet an artist and watch them bringing a kit to life; maybe pick up some tricks. I just wanted to know: is this the type of job that one can make a living off of, or a part time job? Also, what is the best hair to use that wouldn't look brittle but rather silky smooth and shiny (like these babies)? Or how would you treat hair in order for it to stay this way?
- A reborn baby admirer
I would go ahead and sign up to ask those questions. I do not think you are going to get lucky enough to find anyone here who can tell you, I am betting very few even know what these dolls are. Bite the bullet and sign up, it is the only way you will know if this is for you.

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