Recently moved to Middle Tennessee and looking to build a chicken tractor


Jan 20, 2023
I just moved to Middle Tennessee from Florida. I brought a 6 year old Buff Orpington and 2 year old Golden Wyandotte with me. I would like to get more chickens. I would like to build a chicken tractor for about 6-10 chickens. I am looking for well written plans for the tractor. I raised 6 chickens in Florida. I have 15 acres here. I want to make sure my chicken tractor is totally predator proof and protects the chickens from the cold and the heat. I am also looking for ease of maintenance. I will probably use some kind of movable run, using electric wire. I am considering a goose to keep aerial predators away.
Welcome to the BYC! Congrats on the move! Just an FYI, geese are more of an alarm than actual protector. More than one may also gang up on your girls. I currently have 1 African male and he's an amazing alarm (😅) and gets along well with his girls :)

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