Recipe for pickled quail eggs?

I was gonna post this very same thread
Ah-Ha, Fat Daddy and Dirk Chesterfield had it going back and forth in this thread-

quoting, if that's ok;

Let the eggs sit in vinegar for 12 hrs and shells will be gone. Membrane will still need to be peeled like a grape skin, but its easy. I do it this way for pickling. BTW, the brown spots on coturnix eggs is just paint, it comes off and floats in about 30 mins... Bill

I usually eat a few while peeling the membrane off. Those have a hint of vinegar... I think with a good rinse they would be free from the vinegar taste. But I have honestly never tried too. I have only used them for pickling. Drop them into jars and fill the voids with 50% Louisiana hot sauce and 50% vinegar with some pickling spice and mustard seed. I'v made literally 100's and they never last long and are killer with cold beer. I have trouble leave'in them alone once started.

I use cider vinegar. Nothing measured, just "eyeball" bout half LA hot sauce and top off the empty space with ACV, big tablespoon or so of the pickling spices and a good shake of whole mustard seed. Takes 3 or 4 days to pickle up good. They are addicting, I cant eat them for lunch or I want to spend the rest of the day eating eggs and drinking beer. Sometimes I give in thou.... wink Great to have at card games or when sitt'in around spitt'in at a fire with friends... Bill

Dirk Chesterfield wrote:

I use this recipe to pickle either eggs or sausages. It takes about 7 days in the fridge for the flavor to penetrate well into a "C" egg. Longer is better. I prefer Bar-S Smoked Sausage. You have to slow cook them to 160 F before you soak them in the pickling brine for at least a week, but it's well worth the wait. Bar-S Smoked Sausage contains no fillers (like soybeans/TVP), is reasonably priced and tastes great.

Pickling Brine
5 cups white vinegar
2 cups water
2 tbsp. + 1 tsp. pickling salt
1 tsp. ground black pepper
2 tsp. red pepper flakes
2 tbsp. Texas Pete / Louisiana hot sauce

Thanks Dirk and Fat Daddy (Bill).

p.s. is this Bill approved?​
What do pickled quail eggs even taste like? they have to yolk and everything right? DO they taste like pickles or what> think you could pickle a duck egg?
They're the next best thing to ribeye steak
You ever eaten a boiled egg......(chicken egg)? If so, it's a miniature version of that that has been bathing in a solution of (usually vinegar) along with any spices you choose to give it kick. The longer they bathe, the better the tasty kick!
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Yes, you can pickle most any egg... yes, you just boil them and drop them whole, peeled into a brine. Then let them sit about a week. As to taste... You can taste vinegar, and what ever else you throw in. If you like the little pickled sausages you can make pickled eggs you like. But its kinda like describing what anything taste like, they dont taste like chicken!!!
There are not many things in life more satisfying than biting into a well pickled egg.
The cacophony of flavor begins when the mouth watering vinegar titillates your palate, followed closely by the decadent richness of firm egg white and golden yolk coating your mouth with sensual pleasure, all this finishing with the delightfully warm and spicy notes of the black and red pepper. It's a veritable orchestra of flavor leaving your brain yearning for more and more and more. Couple this with a satisfying robust ale, to cleanse the palate, and it's like a vacation for your very soul.

The only reason you go back to work on Monday is that you have run out of pickled eggs and have to wait another week for the next batch to mature. Be warned, that you may suffer panic attacks if you run low on vinegar or your hens stop laying suddenly, but one must suffer pain to be able to greatly enjoy pleasure.
There are not many things in life more satisfying than biting into a well pickled egg.
The cacophony of flavor begins when the mouth watering vinegar titillates your palate, followed closely by the decadent richness of firm egg white and golden yolk coating your mouth with sensual pleasure, all this finishing with the delightfully warm and spicy notes of the black and red pepper. It's a veritable orchestra of flavor leaving your brain yearning for more and more and more. Couple this with a satisfying robust ale, to cleanse the palate, and it's like a vacation for your very soul.

The only reason you go back to work on Monday is that you have run out of pickled eggs and have to wait another week for the next batch to mature. Be warned, that you may suffer panic attacks if you run low on vinegar or your hens stop laying suddenly, but one must suffer pain to be able to greatly enjoy pleasure.

I hate you so much. I dont even have quail and NOW I WANT THEM MORE THAN EVER! That sounds soooo good!! I would think it wouldnt taste very good because well it just sounds funky! I might have to try that with some of my duck eggs, any recipe for them?? wouldnt i have to have a really big jar???

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