recommend me a dust mask that will not fog my glasses?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I really have to stop doing dusty things in the coop without a mask, my lungs just can't do it anymore; but all the cheap and sort-of-cheap dustmasks I've tried have a) not frankly done all that much vs dust, and b) fogged my glasses up SO badly that within about 90 seconds I can't see a thing.

So, those with *good* dust masks, whatcha got to recommend for me? Either brand/model names, or just what features I should be looking for.


I use this mask "with the exhaustion valve". Local hardware carries them for about $3.50 USD each. For me, the exhaustion valve makes the difference whether glasses fog or not...might still get a little. Sure makes it easy to breathe warmer air in the winter too.

No exhaustion valve puts a lot of the moist warm air right at your glasses.

Yep, that anti-fog cleaner is great too! It's a cream type substance you smear on your lenses and then wipe clean. Don't try it on the inside of a windshield however.
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Pat, try a proper respirator like this sort of thing: That's actually built for paint fumes and things, but it'll keep out dust, too.

My experience has been that if I get a good seal against my face (and masks are worthless if you don't!) this sort of mask won't fog my glasses unless I'm working in SERIOUS humidity. And if I'm in that kind of weather, the heat being trapped near my face makes me dizzy anyway :p You need to wear them very tight, though, and when you're done you'll look like you have a muzzle for a few hours.
I have one of that design for the times when I used to spray brush killer. That stuff is so strong and deadly, the fumes are enough to do a person in. That respirator is the best design if one wants to spring for the bucks and really requires the protection. You can get different filter cansiters for the type of substance you want to protect yourself from as well. It is very flexible for different environments.
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Ha, can you believe I have actually *never thought of* just anti-fogging my glasses? It's true!
<ROTFL at self > That is probably the most fundamental solution. I even HAVE some old anti-fog solution sitting in the cabinet somewhere, I'm pretty sure. Off to find it!

Mask-wise, thank you all for the recommendations, I think I will try one of the inexpensive ones with the valve first. I have worn cartridge respirators before -- I spent rather a lot of time back in grad school inside large galvanized stock tanks, painting them with epoxy paint to be used as experimental ponds, and although my advisor provided us with a respirator he never actually got around to replacing the *cartridges* ever, so by about the fifth cattle tank everything would be looking kind of blurry and swimmy and extra-happy
I suppose that might explain some thing about me today LOL

Thanks very much y'all,


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