Recovering 6 Week Chick superfoods?

Shenendoah, My 6 week Easter egger suddenly started having problems just before the weekend, with coughing, then lots of mucus. She stopped eating and drinking and had trouble breathing, holding her mouth wide open. She had a few fits, thrashing and shaking her head, then seeming like she was on her last breath. I'm not sure what the cause was. She and Annalee had been into some fine straw bedding. My first thought was the fine straw was a bad idea, and maybe she got some stuck in her throat. After the first episode, she stopped coughing, but wasn't eating or drinking, and the mucus got worse. I sat holding her till 2:30 am, then got a blanket and couch pillow and slept on and off, on the kitchen floor with her on my chest, and holding her.
Over the next couple of days I held her a lot but also massaged her body and neck, shook her some and even held her upside down a few times to make her squawk and push some air out, basically a lot of stimulation so she didn't just sleep and have more fluid build up. I also swabbed her mouth a lot to remove mucus, and was giving her water with electrolytes via syringe, and also some watered down food. sorry, Annalee just typed this sxzfri9lolo9----l\trolytes<Lm =-]
Last night things looked a little more hopeful. She drank a little water and did a slight bit of preeening.
This morning, after the initial cold-like mucus clearing, she perked up pretty good and really started drinking in earnest and eating more, though still not up to speed. She has been doing serious catching up on her preening and bright and alert, and acting normal.
There have been a lot of tears, worrying and stressful moments these past few days. She and Annalee are the kind of birds that fly up to me when I get home from work, and sleep on my shoulder before going to bed. My question is, she seems like she can kick this, but are there any foods that would help her get a little weight back on quickly, or should I just give her the regular started grower that she has been eating. I've put out options of dry, slightly crushed, and wet. Thanks for reading, and any help you might give.
The best thing in the world for her is chick starter grower, and you can make a little of it watery like oatmeal fresh daily. A few bits of scrambled egg are okay as a treat. It sounds like she may have symptoms of a respiratory infection or disease. Is there any wet or mold in the straw? That can grow mold and chicks can get fungal aspergillosis, also known as brooder pneumonia. Treatment is to keep things clean and dry, and I prefer pine shavings or sand. Raise any waterers up to should height on a few bricks. Did the chick come from a breeder or feed store? Mycoplasma or MG can be passed by a carrier or through the hatching egg. Mucus and sneezing are common in most diseases. MG can also cause bubbles or foam in eyes or swollen eyelids. Tylosin antibiotic for the water may treat symptoms. Here is where to order it, and dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days:
I generally use pine shavings for bedding. I had a bag of fine straw from tractor supply. Hasn't been outside and is perfectly dry. They seemed to like hanging out on it outside of their brooder box, which is in the house. No sneezing or coughing since last Friday, no eye issues. I've had feeders and waterers up on blocks right along. Thank you for the help.

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