Recovery use in chickens…

Can you provide more info on the hen? I'm not sure what Recovery is, but can you provide some info on her age, feed, weather, coop set up, and when she started having trouble?
Is Recovery some sort of electrolyte and vitamin tonic? More details about the chicken including age and what exactly the symptoms are might be helpful.
My ISA brown 5 year old hen went broody during our cold snap, she refused to get off the eggs…we tried everything. She gave up 1 month ago just as it was beginning to warm up. First she began moulting, and now 1 week ago she looked like she was squatting on her feet but not able to stand all the way upright. Sometimes she is standing upright but not for long, she didn’t eat much during her broody period Either.
Recovery is a supplement for horses and dogs. I have been giving her electrolytes with poultry vitamins, she is eating, drinking, and pooping etc. Coop set up is a 10 by10 coop heated when temps are below zero Celsius. Roosts are 4 feet off the ground made of 2 by fours.

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