Recurring Limp on my drake?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 7, 2008
Northwest Montana
Hello everyone. I have 3 Indian Runner hens and 1 drake, and the drake is limping again. The first time was a week or 2 ago, and after a few days (3 or 4?) he was better. Now he is doing it again. The girls are all fine, so are my chickens.

The first time I noticed him limping when I came out in the morning, he didn't want to use his leg at all. His foot was curled a bit too, and I thought one of the toes looked odd. I looked over him - no obvious injuries or breaks. I locked the ducks up for the day with their pool. He got back to normal over the next few days.

About 2 or 3 days ago it happened again! Same leg. He is improving again but is there something I should do? They got brewers yeast when they where young, they range in my large yard all day, they have a large kiddie pool to swim in. They are 4 or 5 months old. He acts normal other than his leg.

My drake did this too, but I found out after the third time that it was caused by my puppy chasing him, catching him, and rolling him.
He does have a black spot on his foot (in the middle of his inside toe) and it is swollen. I had my 7yo snap some pics while I held the drake. This is the foot his is limping on:


His other foot:


Does it look like bumblefoot?

If its bumblefoot, how contagious is it? I am 6 mos. pregnant and I don't want to risk infection (normal preg and I'm healthy, but better safe than sorry). I don't know if my DH will help me. I read to cut out the scab and infection, soak in Epson salts, wrap the foot, isolate the bird. (A vet is out of the question financially atm.)

I bet it feels warm in that spot too.

Bumblefoot is a form of staph infection. If you wear gloves, you should be ok. I use the ones that come with my hair dye kits for stuff like this

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