red and swollen arouond eye


10 Years
Oct 3, 2009
mesick michigan
my buff chalter has redness and sewlling around her eyes. i have read to many symptoms
so this is what i have done so far
i have used terramycian ointment for 2 days but on the second day they seemed worse after the applaction. so i stop using it, today they seem less swollen then last night after the med . onitment .she eats well drink walks makes lots of noise and lays eggs. could she have allergies to some thing in the barn. or out side ? i have not changed the feed, but this last week is the most they have been out side . our weather just got nice except today old man winter is back

i took her out of the barn, i am freaking out
i have over 60 chickens and 5 broody hens (33 chicks) . i can not have something go thur the flock. we clean every thing . we rake all droopnig out daily, clean off roost daily, after reading and reading i thought it best to get some opinions.
i can only think of allergies but has any seen that before. the rest of the flock seems fine it been 3 days now.

HELP! help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does she have nasal drainage, noisy breathing, sneezing, eating and drinking OK? I would most definitely isolate her from the rest and keep her warm. Offer foods she might like such as scrambled eggs. It could be a respiratory infection, but I would think you would have some other symptoms. try a plain saline wash for her eyes. I don't really think it is probably allergies though. Hopefully, she just got a bunch of dust in her eyes. Let us know what else is going on. More information will help folks help you with some answers. Good luck.

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