Red Barred roo over dominique hens what results would I get.

Chris09, Is it you or RAREROO (maybe I'm off on both counts), that is working toward a barred red (red barred) Rhode Island? If it is one of you maybe you could help this person out on his genetic questions.
Clint ( RAREROO ) is working on a, "Buff Barred" I don't know about a, "Red Barred" but I do know that adkersonfarm is working on a breed that he calls a, "Barred Rhode Island".

I Just have the Rhode Island Reds that I am working right know.


Yep, I am working on Lemon Cuckoo ( Buff Barred) Orps and Tim Adkerson is working on the Barred Rhode Island Reds.
Your rooster is a hybid and when you breed a hybrid the results are unpredictible. It's like if you save seed from hybrid corn, you never know what type plants you will get. So if you want more chickens like your roo, cross chickens like the ones that he came from Rhode Island Red X Dominique.

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