Red feet?

My barred rock roosters and Dominique hens feet are doing this! They hit puberty a few months ago and out of 150 chickens they are the only ones who's feet are doing this! Granted the Dominique hens feet aren't as bad as the barred rocks but the Br are double the size of the Dominique's! I'm guessing that's why they are not as red! Anyway it has been raining almost every day the past 2 weeks and about 5-6 days into the rain it turned my huge chicken area into a horrible muddy mess!!! It basically flooded my whole massive yard so could this have something to do with their feet turning red considering they are the only breeds who get to free range often the rest are on wire in a chicken condo and once in a blue moon those breeds get to free range! What could it be though and how do I treat? I'm really thinking it's something to do w the dampness but not sure what and I can't find much online when I google! Please help (it didn't look like mites all scales looked normal and it's not even freezing temps here the redness is just between the toes and certain spots going up the foot and right at the bottom part of the leg)
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