Red Flags for Future Egg Eater?


Furiously Foraging
Premium Feather Member
Mar 31, 2023
New Hampshire
I have a pullet named Mushroom. Mushroom is different than the other chickens. Her favorite pastime is destruction, like a bull in a china shop.

I put out a dish of freshly chopped vegetables. The other chickens will happily enjoy the feast, until Mushroom arrives and rakes her feet across it, flipping the dish and ruining dinner.

I put out a toy piano. The other chickens gingerly peck at the keys. Mushroom rakes her feet across it and flips the piano.

I rake the pen, then momentarily lean the rake against the wall to check their water level. The rake is now on the ground, with chickens fleeing for cover. Yes, Mushroom has raked the rake.

Now to the point... the chickens have had access to their nest box for over 6 weeks. It contains ceramic eggs. The nest is nearly pitch black. Once a day, Mushroom will go in and (you guessed it) rake her claws across the expensive nest pad, punting the egg around. Not only that, but she pins the egg between her legs and pecks it. She's not laying yet, but someone else is. Am I doomed? Is it just a matter of time before she cracks a real egg? You would think the novelty of the ceramic egg and nest pad would have worn off by now. I have a rollaway nest box, but I've been hesitant to install it as it will be have to be in the run for the winter (🥶), and it's not as dark and private as their Omlet.

What would you do? Video evidence of shenanigans below.

I've introduced some younger pullets (almost 18 weeks old) to my older flock a couple weeks ago and now I'm having similar issues. What I thought was some of them just having fun kicking nest box chopped straw around has turned into many broken eggs, and one of them laid yesterday for the first time except the first egg broke from being kicked around or was pecked at...not sure which. I would think the whole thing would have been eaten though if it was intentionally broken like that.

As far as your issue though, I will say none of mine displayed goofy behavior like that which has led to egg eating or just kicking nests around. I'm just hoping they grow out of it.
I've introduced some younger pullets (almost 18 weeks old) to my older flock a couple weeks ago and now I'm having similar issues. What I thought was some of them just having fun kicking nest box chopped straw around has turned into many broken eggs, and one of them laid yesterday for the first time except the first egg broke from being kicked around or was pecked at...not sure which. I would think the whole thing would have been eaten though if it was intentionally broken like that.

As far as your issue though, I will say none of mine displayed goofy behavior like that which has led to egg eating or just kicking nests around. I'm just hoping they grow out of it.
My husband thinks she'll be in a different mindset once she starts laying... I don't know man. I'm sorry you're going through it as well. Integrating pullets sounds like a handful.
Don't give up on Mushroom yet:) Before my first group of girls started laying, my fake eggs were regularly punted out of the nest box. One was even kicked 4 feet away to the opposite wall of the coop. Once they started laying, everyone calmed down and no real eggs have been damaged by misbehavior.
Thank you. This is reassuring.

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