Red mites not a problem!


Nov 23, 2014
Headland, AL
I keep reading about the problems with red mites. I've had my six Buff Orpington's for almost 2 years. I have a rotation where I entirely clean their house out every other week and then the next week I just scoop the poop off the top of the pine shavings. I have been using DE on the entire clean-out up until a month ago; and I have never seen a red might even when I check for them in cracks and under the roosts. I'm confused I read an article on another site that said DE is terrible for chickens respiratory tract. I always close them out and put the DE under the shavings so they're not exposed to dust unless they happen to go in and scratch in the pine shavings, which is not a regular occurrence. My question is should I continue to use the DE since I have never seen a red mite???
DE can be a contentious topic on BYC. Some swear by it - others claim it's snake oil. My two cents would be if you have concerns over the health of your birds while using DE...and you don't have a mite problem....don't use use it. If you ever do see evidence of mites you could doctor them with a variety of treatments. Just my opinion. Good luck to you!
The DE can damage your lungs if you are not wearing a dust mask when spreading it. Mites hate DE, but to me it's not worth the risk. There are still traces that stay in the air. I use neem seed oil.
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I agree with redsoxs.

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