red raw


5 Years
Oct 21, 2014
can someone please advise me on what is wrong with my rhode island hen please and how to help her

It looks on the back like she is being over-bred, but because it is also on her underside, it is probably related to parasites. She could also be rubbing it raw on a perch or be allergic to the bedding being used. She could be being bullied or feather plucking because of not enough protein.

I hope this helps. Best of luck!
thanks gitabooks... whats over bred ?? .. i have checked under her wings for parasites but no sign, cud she still have parasites hidden elsewhere ? . Bedding is still the same no change. Cud it be lack of protein cause we have 5 hen 1 cock in total and nothing on the rest of them ??
thanks for your help
Parasites can be hard to detect. Make sure your hens have a dust box they can bathe in to get rid of anything they may have.

Over-bred means that a rooster likes one hen more than others and rubs the feathers off of them while trying to keep their balance during breeding. This is very common in hens kept with roosters.

A hen that suffered from mites and over-breeding but recovered (she is growing her feathers back here)

A hen that is over-bred due to a new rooster (we are going to get rid of him soon)
thank you for your reply.

will sort out a dust box tomorrow..
How will i treat the redness as it looks very sore and raw

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