Red sex links - short life span?


13 Years
Mar 20, 2010
North Texas - chickens 10 yrs
I was given a pair of red sex link hens in January 2018 when their owner moved, supposedly about 1.5 years old (Buff Orpington and RIR cross as I understand it).

I lost one last summer, she just kind of went off her feed, I moved her to the lot with the old birds in a dog crate and got her eating again, but she wasn't laying, got lighter and lighter and died actually last fall. Her sister isn't light but she didn't perch last night, slept on the coop floor, went out to forage this morning, but now is kind of just sitting between a couple of objects, maybe to balance.

These girls are 5 years old. I have a 7 year old black australorp that laid me an egg this morning. (she doesn't do it often). except for messy tail feathers, no symptoms at all and my other hens, ranging from 8 to 5 years of age, are all fine. I have put some rooster booster in their water, which is clean, they have clean dry food, I'm not going to do the dog crate again, her sister eventually went to sleeping in the old birds coop, just not on a perch, before she passed, she seemed to be more comfortable with the other birds.

Anyone have an idea what's going on?
I have heard that RSl's have shorter life-spans, due to the fact that they can have more issues, like egg-binding, reproductive cancer, and internal egg laying.

I believe it is because they are bred to lay a very large amount of eggs, in which their bodies are not quite built well for.

That being said, I'm sure many RSL's have happy, long lives. I am sorry that you lost these birds. :hugs
Thank you Lemon-Drop.

I just lifted her, and I do think she is laying eggs internally. she's not feeling super incredibly bad today, so I'm going to give out some watermelon and let them have a treat, I will probably gently release her later this week, I've heard that internal laying is an unpleasant death (lost one to it years ago)

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