Orps are horrible, dumbest birds ive ever came across leghorns are a good choice if you plan on replacing them every few years they lay sooner
Butchering all our birds and ReFlocking in the spring. Our current flock is just a bunch of mutts. Any good breeds? Leghorn? Orpington? Need cold hardy, and predator savvy.
I have found hatchery white leghorns to be quite predator savvy and cold hardy in behaviour and feathering. They obviously have large combs which will get frostbit but they should be fine after a year. I quite like them, and I live a good ways north. Do you want a DP bird? If so, Chanteclers. Great winter layers, hardy, and quite meaty. They aren't as wary as the Leghorns but they're not stupid either. They're smart on free range and have evaded a few hawk attacks so far.

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