Refusing to go into the coop at night


9 Years
May 8, 2013
I started out with 9 chicks and now after a few months have only 6 chickens left. Last week, my baby Rocky went missing, so I have 5 bantams and 1 standard buff. They are usually really good about going into their coop at dusk. It has never been a problem until about 5 nights ago. I allow the chickens to free range in a large fenced in area and have a small area gated off outside of their coop. The chickens are now roosting on the gate to their run and that is where they want to spend the night. I thought maybe the coop had a pest problem but I see no signs of mites. Plus, I keep it really clean. The coop is the back portion of my shed and there may be mice in the shed but it never seemed to be a problem. I have tight fitted closed doors to the coop and there are no holes for predators to gain access, so I don't think they were traumatized by an invader.

I do have 3 roosters to my 3 hens. I have more chicks coming this week to even out the flock but could this be the issue? Maybe a turf war of sorts?

I am currently forcing (that is a strong word, I am gently coaxing) them into their coop in hopes to retrain them but it is still concerning to me.

I had a similar problem for a long time. Mine would sleep under the coop instead of roosting inside of it. I solved it by putting them all on the roost at night every night until they do it on their own. May take one night may take many. If you coop doesn't even have a roost or doesn't have a suitable roost then that's your problem right there.
The coop has what I believe to be a suitable roost. I have seen them roost just fine. I also have a pellet that I cut in half, so each half is ladder like, for roosting.

Do you keep food and water in your coop?

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