Regrouping after predator wipe-out...

Well, I like the black stars bc they are such good layers.. Plus I figured being sex link would help. Do people buy "mutt" chicks just as well as something they know what it is? I never see mutt chicks for sale. I know they'd be ok for me though..
Right.. That was what I was saying. I LOVE my BSL girls! I guess I could just do a RIR roo and no RIR hens, just the BR hens. Either way I need to find me a young roo I guess! :)
If you breed your RIR rooster to your barred rock hens you will have sex linked chicks. The male chicks will have a white dot on their heads thr females will have a black head. Black sex linkhens sell real well.
Ohhh....I see now.....good idea....and most folks will want just hens correct?
Do you have a plan for the boys?
Well, that's where you guys come in.. ;) Not sure what you do about that.. Are SLs really any good for eating?

Let the girls out since I'm home early. First time for the newbies, so of course Olive was first out followed quickly by the others. I'm sitting out here with them and giving a few grapes to keep them close. :)
Got one egg so far today but it's only 1:30. I'm averaging about 2 a day, some days (like yesterday) 3.. Have yet to get all four to lay on the same day. :p
Also, hubby and I went for a jog at the elementary school on Wed evening ( after dark ). The bulldog who got my feather kids paid us a visit as we finished up. He is one NASTY individual. Lunged at hubby when he turned to face him (which I had JUST told him NOT to do, lol).. I was most displeased and even more so that this occurred where children play, but at least we got to see which direction he came from. He was also running with two other (also always-loose) dogs with whom we ARE familiar and know where they live.

So, I called AC yesterday and they actually came to visit hubby here and get more info. They were going to pay a visit to the house where we know the other two dogs live. I really hope to hear something on that. In the meantime, they said to feel free to shoot (to kill, NOT to injure they said) him if he is on our property. Hubby said, of course, no problemo. ;)
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Well, that's where you guys come in..
Not sure what you do about that.. Are SLs really any good for eating?
I wouldn't see why not! They are just going to take longer to reach full size than meat hybrids. I would say 18+ weeks versus 10+ weeks. I have butchered and eaten several duel purpose and looking at my female SL I would say there is plenty of meat to be had!

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