Rehoming my Rooster


5 Years
Jul 26, 2014
Might seem like a silly question but unfortunately I had to re home my rooster today. It's the first rooster we've had and we were very keen to keep him but due to his crowing at all hours we had to let him go. I was wondering if someone could tell me how long chickens/roosters take to settle into a new home? Obviously this depends on the new home but assuming its got good living quarters do they miss their old family or don't chickens have those sort of feelings? Any advice would be great as we are feeling a little sad for our big guy.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! I'm so sorry to hear you had to rehome your rooster. I've had to do that a few times over the years and the boys are always the ones that crawl the deepest into your heart. If he went to a good home with some lady friends to keep him company he will settle in quickly, I'm sure. Hens I found, are the ones that usually take a bit longer to calm down and settle in at a new home.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! I'm so sorry to hear you had to rehome your rooster. I've had to do that a few times over the years and the boys are always the ones that crawl the deepest into your heart. If he went to a good home with some lady friends to keep him company he will settle in quickly, I'm sure. Hens I found, are the ones that usually take a bit longer to calm down and settle in at a new home.
Seems to be the same regardless of species, boys are easily distracted by a flock of pretty girls.
Welcome to BYC :frow  Glad you joined us! I'm so sorry to hear you had to rehome your rooster. I've had to do that a few times over the years and the boys are always the ones that crawl the deepest into your heart. If he went to a good home with some lady friends to keep him company he will settle in quickly, I'm sure. Hens I found, are the ones that usually take a bit longer to calm down and settle in at a new home. 

I would agree here. If they have hens, he'll be in heaven.
Thanks everyone, I feel better already. He's a beautiful big Wyandotte and is going to be used for breeding so I'm thinking lots of girlies to distract him.
Lucky boy! I got given a beautiful young cockerel last year to keep my hens company. My hens were so happy to see him, it was hilarious. He settled in immediately and of course half my hens promptly went broody
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Sorry you had to rehome your rooster. That is always a hard thing to do, especially if they are nice roosters. I agree with the above posters. Roosters can adapt much quicker than hens. If he went to a nice home with lots of hens, he will be quite happy soon. How sweet of you to be worried over your boy! Many people never give them a second thought.

Enjoy your lovely flock and we do welcome you to our flock!

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