Releasing New Guinea hens.


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
So I have read so many different opinions on how you should release Guinea hens. The ones I will be getting are about a year. I did not intend on locking them up which depending on responses I may change my mind. At the moment I have about 30+free range chickens and they have a coop and I have 8 ducks at the moment and i have been having a horrible problems with ticks. We live in the country not many neighbors probably why I have a few roosters in my flock. But until today with my reading I had just planned on releasing them on the property near the rest of the birds and let them go where they feel comfortable. I mean they have the duck house the chicken coop even the horse and goat barn that they could go to. We are on 20ac but using 10ac for the farm, any advice?? Should I lock them in the duck house?
Guinea fowl are travelers, and I fear that if you release them they will just take off. If possible it might be best to keep them in a pen for a couple of weeks and then release them a couple at a time over a week or so. The birds in the pen will call the released birds back and hopefully they will bond to your property.
I was just hoping I wouldn't have to lock them up since none of my birds are. But ducks ain't fully using duck coop so inclosure here we come...
You defiantly have to lock them up. Minimum 2 weeks, the longer the better as they can bond to your property and other birds. Also beacuse they are adults they would have already had a territory and moving them at that age is harder then intrducing keets. If they do happen to stay if you let them free straight then they would most likely fly into a tree to roost instead of your various options of housing.
I didn't let them out because my husband had to weed eat the yard... 2.5 acres.... so there was a circling bird of prey picking up the mice... The bird of prey was getting his butt beat by 2 crows trying to steal his feast. I was worried that the bird of prey would try to get my gunieas but I think now I might have to worry about the crows.
Crows won't be a problem with the adults but they are egg thieves. I've not had a problem with BOP during the day (red tailed hawks and bald eagle) but great horned owl have been brutal.

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