Relocation of nest & hen

Nov 23, 2022
I’m curious if there any particular way or safer way to relocate a hen on her eggs & nest?
I have rows of wall boxes, like a chicken condo. Typically my hens share a community box on the ground. I have a few floor boxes left from my quail.
This hen, Summer, she laid her egg in a wall box already containing 2 eggs. That’s where she laid and stayed. Next day another egg of a third color was added to her box.
I have a closed off nursery area, in my coop, for quiet brooding & raising chicks.
I need to get her in there.
Can I just get her, eggs & nest filling into the box in the nursery? She on the wall and her nest is vulnerable.
Am I okay to just grab her & nest filling to swing them around into the nursery?
I don’t want to disrupt her and cause egg abandonment.
This is only my 2nd hen to want to brood. She sat on 4 eggs, 1 is hers light brown, 2 green eggs, and a dark egg.
Mark the eggs she sits on and remove any extras. once they establish a nest it is hard to change it.

And don't let her sit on 40 eggs because it is cute. It is best just to give her about 9, mark them and remove extras. Sometimes I even close off the nest box to give her peace, and let her out once or 2x a day for about 15 min.
She’s been sitting since Aug 26. My biggest fear is having other hens get in her box when she’s out to eat and add eggs to her nest thinking it’s a communial nest.
I have to move her 2 boxes over where she’d be safer in the nursery
This is only the 2nd time one of my hens has been broody. First hen also had a variety of chicks but she laid hers in the nursery on another 3 eggs and kept them all. I don’t give them eggs, I just let them brood if they want to. I’m new to the coop life of only a year
I just want the hen & her eggs to be & stay safe
Why it's best to move them before giving eggs...or mark eggs at beginning of incubation then check daily and remove any new ones.
Just leaving things go can be risky but could also work out fine,
I find it easier in the long run to avoid the risks.
I move my broodies to the broody area before I give her fresh fertile eggs.

How long has she been setting?
You can try to move her, but she may break at the change.
She’s been sitting since Aug 26. My biggest fear is having other hens get in her box when she’s out to eat and add eggs to her nest thinking it’s a communial nest.
I have to move her 2 boxes over where she’d be safer in the nursery
This is only the 2nd time one of my hens has been broody. First hen also had a variety of chicks but she laid hers in the nursery on another 3 eggs and kept them all. I don’t give them eggs, I just let them brood if they want to. I’m new to the coop life of only a year
I just want the hen & her eggs to be & stay safe
So, just an update... She has 4 healthy chicks, and one more egg (her actual egg) to hatch. Now with the babies, I put her in the nursery so her box is on the floor for the chicks safety, and she's fine - she is not coming off her egg. So far so good!!!
4 chicks are healthy while we all wait for #5!!!
I closed her off for most of the day to keep the other hens out and all is good. She has the 5 eggs I was trying to keep with her without being invaded with more each day.
Thank you all, next time round, will try to get her into nursery right away!!!
thanks again

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