Remember that movie...


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 2, 2010
Remember that movie, Bareback Mount Hen?
My hens are auditioning for the main parts!

Seriously, I have too many roosters and my hens are getting bare backs. I cannot bring myself to dispose of the roosters. I have tried Craigslist and Facebook but no one wants them. Anyone have any creative solutions to my problem? I don't have space to safely separate the roosters into their own pen. The nights are too cold to have an outdoor pen for them and I've only got 1 chicken house.

Anyone want some free, hatchery stock roosters, about 1 year old? Lots of breeds... silver spangled hamburg, game birds, bantams, etc...
Can you actually get one on your chickens? Do the chickens fuss about getting one put on?
Anybody have a pattern to make one?
I made these for my hens. They don't really mind too much having them on, they do a little adjusting for the first few minutes but then they are fine.
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