

12 Years
Sep 12, 2007
Collinsville, MS
We've been raising chickens for 3-4 years now. Starting out expecting to raise 3-5 current raising nearly 100. We started with a coop that we attached to our current shed and built a small run around it, expanded it with the run you see in the first pic that's falling down, and then out toward the back with another covered area and 1500+ sq feet of run. Plus a seperate bachelor pad for our free roaming roosters (which they don't use and we now use for problem chickens that need to be seperated). What you see here is the latest remodel and by far the best addition because of all the lessons learned in building additions to our coops. We initially thought it would be a good idea to use small trees we cut as our lumber and it worked...for about three years, then started to rot. So here's the remodel. Lesson learned, don't uses trees as lumber LOL. We still have a few things to do to finish, like a pop hole into the big run, paint and a roost and maybe even a chicken swing LOL, but this is about it. Anyway, we're proud of what we've accomplished and wanted to share.

Run before Destruction...on the small white building under the shingle roof is the original coop.

The Final Product...our dog Harry just loves the chickens, he even goes inside the coop with us.

Front View...look beyond the addition and see the chicken's winter greens growing!

New coop inside new run, we call this the hooch.
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We grow people food and chicken food in there, when the crops are done, that area becomes more of a run area. We have timbers down and 1" wire up to keep them out, but they manage sometimes LOL

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